September 2021


European Symposium on Fuzzy Logic and Technology, EUSFLAT, Bratislava, Slovakia, Sep 20-24, 2021

Another hybrid conference with in-person and online attendance on our part (mainly due to the overlap with the ESTYLF conference which we are organising in Málaga). We presented the works "Closure systems as a fuzzy extension of meet-subsemilattices" (by Emilio Muñoz and other colleagues in the department, Inma P Cabrera presented the paper) and "Approaching the square of oppositions in terms of the f-indexes of inclusion and contradiction" (online presentation by Nicolás Madrid, no screenshot available during his talk).

emilio-IFSA inma-IFSA

ESTYLF conference organized

The FLAIR group organises ESTYLF (the Spanish Conference on Fuzzy Logic and Technology) as an event of CAEPIA (Spanish conference on Artificial Intelligence), within the Spanish Conference of Informatics (CEDI) in Málaga

The new edition of the Spanish Conference on Fuzzy Logic and Technology (ESTYLF) has been organised by our group, being Manuel Ojeda-Aciego the Scientific Chair (together with Susana Montes from Univ. Oviedo).
We also participate as co-editors of the proceedings of CAEPIA'21, published by Springer.